Wednesday, December 29, 2010
To Spring St.
Thank you to who helped me move into the new house in the past two days. I have the best big anyone could ask for, thank you Taylor.I'm exhausted, bruised and cut up, poor, and anticipating the new year. Sorry for a short blog, I'm just writing so I don't get out of rhythm. Pictures to come of the new house in a couple days.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
To a Year's Worth of Merlot..
No particular order:
-2 tattoos
-sky dive
-see the Phillies play 3 times
-go deep sea fishing
-buy a fisheye lens
-buy a wide angle lens
- cycle 50 miles in one day
- go yardsaling
-learn how to bake
- 4.0 this semester
-build a sand castle
-jump naked into the ocean
- build a card house
-Dress up and play a round of golf (I have never golfed in my life)
- build a vinyl collection
-rock climb
-volunteer 50 hours at orphanage
-Go on my first cruise
-drink epcot
-learn how to read music
-learn poker
-watch every movie that has won Best Picture
-start a book drive for children
-finish this blog
-cook 40 meals without the fire department's guest appearance
-gamble for the first time
- get a library membership in Macon
-grow an orchid
-attend an opera
- see two plays this year
-go bird hunting
-learn basic sign language
- roll my own sushi
- learn to tango,foxtrot,rumba,salsa
-brew my own batch of beer
-go to athens, ga
>3 in charcoal
>4 in ink
>3 in conte
-carve my first pumpkin
-where a wig out
-pub crawl in atlanta
-skim board
-make my own popsicles
-purchase a hookah
- lose 10 -12lbs
-complete my charm bracelet
-learn constellations
- 6 sessions of yoga
-sail on a boat

-go cell less for a week
-have an entire family photo taken
-climb the Chrysler building
-climb the empire states building
-design my own tshirt
- complete 10 DIY projects that I stumble upon.
- grow my own herbs in the kitchen.
-read 6 books of my family's choosing.
-learn patience in a serious moment
*may add more to the list before January 1st, 2011
This list will be completed by next spring break.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thomas Newman, "Any other Name"
Sean Hayes, "Politics"
Stateless, "Bloodstream"
Damien Rice, " I Remember"
Cary Brothers, "Ride"
Amos Lee, "Baby I want You"
Natalie Walker, "Colorblind"
The Weepies, " World Spins Madly On"
It is Christmas Eve, and I have never felt less spirited. So this holiday is supposed to be magical, but where has the magic gone? I guess when people get older, their personal lives take over and conventional traditions such as Christmas are put on the back burner. These traditions become more of a burden, or responsibility if you will. For those of you who think this blog is an outlet for my frustrations, you are wrong. This is an outlet, but not in that manner. Its my collective thoughts.
So the drive to my mother's house is seven hours long, which leaves me to rack my brain with loud pulsing 'whomps' or long drones of double bass in the background.When people graduate from college, they think their next move is to start their career. To the conventional, yes. But for the avant-garde, negative. I am going to take some time to live my life, in a town where I know as many as 2 people. Tuttle and I used to talk about being bartenders in college, and having regulars who told us their life stories all night. People laughed at us, but we were never actually joking about it. Maybe in Savannah that is what I will do. Photography and bartending. Small apartment. Live on my own. After that stint, I'll start my life. I always pegged myself as someone who would never settle down in one place for too long; I think change is humbling and gives people character/ backbone.
So this friend of mine taught me something this year that has had a huge impact on my life. Life is not about depriving yourself of things because you are scared of them, its about embracing the unknown. What is life without people to share it with. This blog is a testament to me really living it up in college this year. Coming soon is a list of things to accomplish in one year's time with certain people or with the general crowd. Pictures to prove they have been accomplished to follow.I live a life surrounded with my closest handful of friends, and that does not mean I do not care to have others around, I just have always been one to treasure the small handful of true friendships rather then the plethora of acquaintances and party friends. life is not about quantity, its about quality. That is one of the hardest lessons to learn at a young age. You won't always be the most popular or most liked, so you have to value the people who truly like you for who you are and want you around because they enjoy your company.
This christmas, I think the best gifts are my friendships and inspirations, family, and one hell of a sidekick.
Sean Hayes, "Politics"
Stateless, "Bloodstream"
Damien Rice, " I Remember"
Cary Brothers, "Ride"
Amos Lee, "Baby I want You"
Natalie Walker, "Colorblind"
The Weepies, " World Spins Madly On"
It is Christmas Eve, and I have never felt less spirited. So this holiday is supposed to be magical, but where has the magic gone? I guess when people get older, their personal lives take over and conventional traditions such as Christmas are put on the back burner. These traditions become more of a burden, or responsibility if you will. For those of you who think this blog is an outlet for my frustrations, you are wrong. This is an outlet, but not in that manner. Its my collective thoughts.
So the drive to my mother's house is seven hours long, which leaves me to rack my brain with loud pulsing 'whomps' or long drones of double bass in the background.When people graduate from college, they think their next move is to start their career. To the conventional, yes. But for the avant-garde, negative. I am going to take some time to live my life, in a town where I know as many as 2 people. Tuttle and I used to talk about being bartenders in college, and having regulars who told us their life stories all night. People laughed at us, but we were never actually joking about it. Maybe in Savannah that is what I will do. Photography and bartending. Small apartment. Live on my own. After that stint, I'll start my life. I always pegged myself as someone who would never settle down in one place for too long; I think change is humbling and gives people character/ backbone.
So this friend of mine taught me something this year that has had a huge impact on my life. Life is not about depriving yourself of things because you are scared of them, its about embracing the unknown. What is life without people to share it with. This blog is a testament to me really living it up in college this year. Coming soon is a list of things to accomplish in one year's time with certain people or with the general crowd. Pictures to prove they have been accomplished to follow.I live a life surrounded with my closest handful of friends, and that does not mean I do not care to have others around, I just have always been one to treasure the small handful of true friendships rather then the plethora of acquaintances and party friends. life is not about quantity, its about quality. That is one of the hardest lessons to learn at a young age. You won't always be the most popular or most liked, so you have to value the people who truly like you for who you are and want you around because they enjoy your company.
This christmas, I think the best gifts are my friendships and inspirations, family, and one hell of a sidekick.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Rear View Mirror
My life has always consisted of triumphs and failures, and I attribute those failures to a lack of following through. I've spent my whole life fooling myself into believing I am brilliant and I know better than most. Really, I just float through every day waiting for something exciting or new to happen so I can be a part of what someone else has already claimed their happiness upon. Christmas time is my least favorite holiday, and it is not to say I do not enjoy the family gatherings, tinsel, and cookies because I do. I feel a disconnect around this time every year. A disconnect from what real people experience and how much I miss out on. I'm not a depressed person, quite the opposite actually. I struggle with knowing when its time to quit searching for the good in people and when to not wear my emotions on my sleeve(because my words in the past have been weapons). Hah, as Carl would say, 'you are hypersensitive' with a flare for the 'extreme'. For those of you who do not know, Carl is my Dad and he's unlike anyone in this world (He's callous, crude, brilliant, sensitive, courageous, hilarious, and mine). This blog is my new year's challenge. Since I never follow through with things that have extreme potential, this is where I lay my path to success. This will patch the disconnect. This blog will show my art, music selections of the week, my adventures with my best friends and family, and the inner workings of one extremist. Here goes nothing 3,2,1... IT WAS THE MERLOT!
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