So there hasn't been much writing on my end because I have been feeling pretty discouraged lately. Sometimes I feel like my blog is worthless and that it just tries to prove how individual I am, but I have to keep telling myself this is for me, this is my therapy, and nowhere in these entries do I try to impress any reader. Its been rough not doing everything I want to lately because all the things I want to do just don't seem to make it into the weekly schedule. Since when were days so short? There must be a dozen thoughts entering and exiting my brain every 15 minutes; most of them writable and tonight's thought is an inner battle one extremist and introvert silently contests daily.
I would like to start this entry with a few quick points: One of the best moments that happens to me( it comes few and far between) is when the perfect song plays at the perfect moment and things just come together.
Note to self: vinyl is God.
Bloodymarys are wonderful on Sundays.
I'm in the market for a 50cm framed road bike.
I daydream of how my life will be too often during class or while I run.
Ben Folds Five really bothers me.
I made chili last week, that was my big cooking accomplishment and it was so damn good.
Children scare me because they are so fragile.
Lauren Kritsas, words can't describe tonight.
To my family: please do not tell Dad until I am ready to do so.
This entry is written to enlighten all on my upcoming adventure.
Date: First week of March
Where: Macon, Ga to Corpus Christi, Tx
Who: Taylor Ruffo Extraordinaire and Myself
For those of you who really know me, then you know I am adopted, and that I have already found my birth mother. But this trip is not about the xx chromosomal set, rather its about the xy.
For someone like me, we are born with a life that has a few pieces missing, and without patching those holes, we never feel completely ourself. The solution: thatching. This is why I will be documenting the processes to remind myself of the adventure and the lessons I learned a long the way this year. This trip is not something I decided to do on a whim, and this is not something that I decided to do when I woke up one morning.
Let me begin by expounding on background information. My brother Seth is adopted as well. We have gone through a lot of the same emotional roller coasters, you know... the woah is me and who the hell am I. Where do I come from? Do I look like someone...anyone? Seth found is birthmother maybe 5 years before I did. His story is a beautiful one (which you can actually find online) which has always been somewhat of an inspiration to me. Recently Seth found his father, and it changed his life for the better. Now I'm not saying my story may work out the same, but I have to give it a shot. We never know the outcomes of the chances we did not take ( if there is a lesson you take away from this, let it be such ).The interesting part about all of this is that adopted kids, more so siblings such as Seth and myself, have the same desire at the same time and never speak about it to each other. I have been thinking about this trip for a few years now, but never had the courage to do it until now.
(Seth and his biological father)

His name: Byron James Teague
--- Father of one.
--- Married to Karla.
--- Car enthusiast and music connoisseur alike.
How do I know all of this you ask?
With the help of the internet and one really wonderful friend, I found what he looks and what his family life entails through the respectfully hated portal, Myspace.
Dear Nitch,
I'm leaving the first weekend of spring break and heading to Texas. Taylor and I will be documenting the trip, and we will be going to Houston, Corpus Christi, and hopefully Dallas. Between friends, Taylor's family, and money I have saved up, we will be staying in different places, and in the process I will be making my way to the front steps of one Byron J. Teague. I'm nervous, like any human being would be but I have no second thoughts about this trip. This is how I am looking at this whole circumstance: No matter what the outcome, things will be okay. If things go terribly wrong, I can only grow stronger and a piece will be thatched ultimately and slowly. If things go smoothly, I can commend myself on sincere bravery and strength knowing that a piece was glued in place not single handedly.
I am putting something together for you. Come the first Chapter when we return from break, I ask that you stay behind not just for me, but for yourselves.
You're inspiring and so is your story. I love you, unconditionally.
I know you're going to call me as soon as you read this, and I anticipate our phone call with great eager.
This is beautiful and so are you. I know you've been thinking to do this for a long time because we've talked about it many times. I love you :) and I'm proud of you for going for it. My prayers are with you!
ReplyDeleteLike you, I've also never met my father, but it's not because I was adopted. He lives a mile and a half from my home (half a mile from my grandparents where I grew up), his kids go to my brother's school, his wife works with my former hairdresser, and he has known where I have been my entire life. I only found all of this out in the last year. The internet is scarily full of all of this information.
ReplyDeleteI've written him 7 letters in the last 20 years, all of which are in a box in my room back home. I'm just not as brave as you are. I'm too afraid of what he has to say when I do meet him. You're driving half-way across the country, and I can't even drive 1.5 miles down the road. You, my friend, have bigger lady balls than I do. I, for that reason, applaud you. Good luck love! I'll be praying for you the whole way.
I really admire your bravery. Not everyone goes after something they want because they are scared of the outcome. This is why I love you! You never cease to amaze me :)
ReplyDeleteTC, after finally reading this post this morning (you know it sometimes take me a little bit to do things)I am in tears. I am so proud of you. Know that I love you and I am here for you. You are such a strong hearted person and I admire you for that. I am praying for you. All my love,